Tips for submitting Photos
Suggestions to ensure a Successful Color Analysis
Obviously the accuracy of my analysis will be dependent on the quality of your photos. Now is not the time to try to "look your best" by wearing makeup or showing you in only soft flattering light. I need to clearly see your eyes, skin (freckles and all) and hair. Absolutely no colored contact lenses please!
CRITICAL: I need at least one large photo of you that is: *A head shot looking straight ahead *No makeup *Hair off face *Good lighting (no shadows) *As high resolution as possible (clear and large!) 500+ kilobytes is great; Sizes over 1MB are fantastic.
Even the best cel and iPhone cameras cannot pick up the subtleties of one's skintone like a digital camera.
Here are some more tips:
The more you of these types you can send, the better:
- *The larger the photograph the better, but clarity is most important.
- *Ideally photos should be without makeup but I have found that pictures from different eras, from different lighting, with different makeup and hair color actually can help me. A bad color choice is just as revealing to me as one where you are wearing your best colors. However, daylight is the most accurate but NOT direct sunlight since it can wash your colors from your face.
- *If you have a clear photograph of yourself when you were a child, I find those helpful, particularly ages 5-12 or so.
- Professionally taken photos like those from Glamourshots, school photos and wedding photos are helpful.
- *Photos that show your hair color before you started coloring it (if applicable)or before it changed due to hormones or age are helpful.
- *A specific picture of just your eye color helps, though any good photo that shows them clearly is sufficient.
Following the tips above will help ensure an accurate analysis. Send me what you can and if I need more or need to ask more questions, we can proceed from there.